Updated version of my 'Genome assembly: then and now' talk is now available

This is a presentation that I have probably given five times now. Originally, the main focus of the talk was purely about the Assemblathon 2 paper, with some thoughts about how the field of genome assembly has changed since the days of Sanger-only sequencing.

Over time, I've increasingly downplayed the Assemblathon 2 content of the talk, and made way for updates relating to the latest developments in genome sequencing and assembly. To that end, I've decided to start adding version numbers to this talk to help make it easier to distinguish between different versions.

So here is version 1.2 of my talk, presented below with and without notes (my talks are very visual, so I have embedded notes to try to capture what I talk about for each slide). Don't be put off by the high slide count (many of these just reflect animated steps).

Without notes…

With notes (probably need to go full-screen to be able to clearly read these)…