Great post by Lex Nederbragt about why we need graph-based representations of genome sequences

In a recent blog post, Lex Nederbragt explains why we all need to be moving to graph-based representations of genome sequences (and getting away from linear representations).

In this post I will provide some background, explain the reasons for moving towards graph-based representations, and indicate some challenges associated with this development.

After listing the many challenges involved in moving towards a graph-based future, he refers to the fact that current efforts have not been widely adopted:

Two file formats to represent the graph been developed: FASTG and GFA. FASTG has limited uptake, only two assembly programs (ALLPATHS_LG and SPAdes) will output in that format. GFA parsing is currently only experimentally in the ABYSS assembler, and [the VG program] is able to output it.

The lack of a widely recognized and supported standard for representing variation inherent in a genome sequence is, in my opinion, a major barrier to moving forward. Almost all bioinformatics software that works with genome sequence data expects a single sequence with no variation. It will require a whole new generation of tools to work with a variant-based format, but tool developers will be reluctant to write new code if there is no clear agreement on what is the new de facto file format.

101 questions with a bioinformatician #25: Alex Bateman

Alex Bateman is in charge of Protein Sequence Resources at the European Bioinformatics Institute (EBI). You might know him from his role in developing such popular bioinformatics tools as PfamRfam, and TreeFam (rumors abound that their planned database of Ox genome resources had to be cancelled because they couldn’t secure the desired name).

A recipient of the Benjamin Franklin Award for Open Access in the Life Sciences, Alex has also been an enthusiastic advocate of Wikipedia as a resource that scientists should utilize more. To borrow a couple of British-isms, Alex is a ‘jolly nice chap’ and a ‘thoroughly decent bloke’, and I say that as someone who once had to stand on a milk crate with him as part of a management training exercise (don’t ask!). I sometimes think that he has found the elixir of life as he never seems to age. Oh, and you should also be aware that he has a black belt in origami.

You can find out more about Alex by visiting his group’s website at the EBI, or by following him on twitter (@alexbateman1). And now, on to the 101 questions…

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Filtering a SAM file generated by TopHat to find uniquely mapped, concordant read pairs: AWK vs SAMtools

Software suites like SAMtools (or should that be [SAMsam]tools?) offer a powerful way to slice and dice files in the SAM, BAM, and CRAM file formats. But sometimes other approaches work just as well.

If you have aligned paired RNA-Seq read data to a genome or transcriptome using TopHat you may be interested in filtering the resulting SAM/BAM file to keep reads that are:

  • a) uniquely aligned (only match one place in target sequence)
  • b) mapped as concordant read pairs (both pairs map to same sequence in correct orientation with suitable distance between them)

TopHat has a --no-discordant command-line option which only report read alignments if both reads in a pair can be mapped, but the name of option is somewhat misleading, as you still end up with discordantly mapped read pairs in the final output (always good to check what difference a command-line option actually makes to your output!.

So if you have a TopHat SAM file, and you wanted to filter it to only keep uniqueley mapped, concordant read pairs, you could use two of the options that the samtools view command provides:

  • -q 50 — This filters on the MAPQ field (5th column of SAM file). TopHat uses a value of 50 in this field to denote unique mappings (this important piece of information is not in the TopHat manual).
  • -f 0x2 — This option filters on the bitwise FLAG score (column 2 of SAM file), and will extract only those mappings where the 2nd bit is set. From the SAM documentation, this is described as each segment properly aligned according to the aligner. In practice this means looking for values that are either 83, 89, 147, or 163 (see this helpful Biobeat blog post for more information about this).

So if you have a SAM file, in essence you just need to filter that file based on matching certain numbers in two different columns. This is something that the Unix AWK tool excels at, and unlike SAMtools, AWK is installed on just about every Unix/Linux system by default. So do both tools give ou the same result? Only one way to find out:

Using SAMtools

The 'unfiltered.sam' file is the result of a TopHat run that used the --no-discordant and --no-mixed options. The SAM file contained 34,340,754 lines of mapping information:

time samtools  view -q 50 -f 0x2 unfiltered.sam > filtered_by_samtools.sam

real    1m57.068s
user    1m18.705s
sys     0m13.712s

Using AWK

time awk '$5 == 50 && ($2 == 163 || $2 == 147 || $2 == 83 || $2 == 99) {print}' unfiltered.sam  > filtered_by_awk.sam

real    1m31.734s
user    0m46.855s
sys     0m15.775s

Does it make a difference?

wc -l filtered_by_*.sam
31710476 filtered_by_awk.sam
31710476 filtered_by_samtools.sam

diff filtered_by_samtools.sam filtered_by_awk.sam

No difference in the final output files, with AWK running quite a bit quicker than SAMtools. In this situation, filtering throws away about 8% of the mapped reads.