Gender ratio of speakers at today's Festival of Genomics California conference

The Festival of Genomics Conference California conference starts today. From the speaker lineup I count 132 speakers with a gender ratio of 72.7% men and 27.3% women. This is a good ratio compared to many (most?) genomics conferences — see Jonathan Eisen's many excellent posts on this subject — and it exceeds the background level of women in senior roles in genome institutes around the world (a figure I previously calculated as 23.6%).

However, it was because the ratio of women speakers was below my self-imposed target of 33.3% that I withdrew Front Line Genomic's kind offer of a speaking position and requested that they instead offer my slot to a woman.

I think Front Line Genomics are ahead of many conference organizers in addressing gender bias, and I look forward to seeing the final lineup at their upcoming Festival of Genomics London conference.

This post is to serve as a reminder that we, as a community, still need to do much better at addressing gender bias in our field, and that men can actively help this process by refusing to speak or present at conferences which show extreme bias. Preferably, I would like others to adopt my 33.3% target as a minimum ratio that we should be aiming for (this applies both ways, though there doesn't seem to be much likelihood of men feeling underepresented any time soon).

Concerning the gender ratio of speakers at the 2015 Genome Science Meeting

The Genome Science 2015 meeting has announced their speaker line-up. At the time of writing, not all of the speaker positions are finalized, but currently the published agenda reveals:

  • 13 men
  • 9 women

So currently 41% of the speakers are women which is excellent. Hoping that the remaining 15 slots keep this conference free from notable gender bias.

About my idea of a 33% target for women speakers at genomics conferences…

Last week I wrote a post on the subject of gender bias at genomics/bioinformatics conferences. I suggested a figure of 33% might make for a minimum target for the proportion of women (and men) who give talks at such conferences. I also went so far as to end that post by saying:

I don't attend many conferences, but from now on I won't be attending any if at least 33% of the talks are not by women.

At the time that I wrote this, I knew that I was going to be speaking at a genomics conference myself later this year. What I didn't know at the time, was the gender ratio of speakers at this conference. That information only came to light this week. So what is the proportion of talks by women at this conference?


If you're quick on the uptake, you will notice that 28 < 33 So what did I do? Well, I wrote to the conference organizers and explained my position and told them that I would like to withdraw my speaking role. I also suggested that they find a woman to take my place (and offered a suggestion of a female co-worker who has worked on the very project that I was intending to talk about).

The conference in question is the new Festival of Genomics that will take place in California in November. This is the second Festival of Genomics conference organized by Front Line Genomics and you may have read about the first conference in this series that recently took place in Boston. This conference was very well received (e.g. see this, this, or this) and so I was very much looking forward to speaking in November (especially as this was the first time that I have been asked to speak at a conference).

The current list of speakers shows 66 men and 26 women. It's possible that these numbers might change slightly; adding just 7 more women speakers, or replacing only 5 male speakers with women would be enough to reach my suggested 33% target.

I have had several productive exchanges with Front Line Genomics about this issue. They acknowledge the problem and seem to genuinely want to do something about it to reduce gender bias in this field. I'm confident that subsequent conferences that they organize will do an even better job at representing women in speaking roles. It also must be said that they are doing much better than most genomics conferences and 28% is higher than the current proportion of women in senior roles at most genome institutes. Once again, I want to reiterate that I have found Front Line Genomics to be extremely open about this issue, and I genuinely believe that they are receptive to suggestions that might improve the situation in future.

What can be done?

If you are a male scientist who is concerned by the current level of gender bias at genomics conferences, and if you are ever invited to give a talk at such a conference, then you do have the power to help change the situation. If you learn that women speakers are going to be underrepresented, you can withdraw your speaking position and instead make some suggestions of female scientists to take your place. You can also raise this issue when first invited to speak. If conference organizers received responses from all potential speakers saying 'I will only talk if your conference has an unbiased gender ratio of speakers', then this could change the situation dramatically.

Time to conclude this post by saying (once again): I don't attend many conferences, but from now on I won't be attending any if at least 33% of the talks are not by women.

You wait ages to see a tweet about gender bias in science, and then three come along at once!

I uploaded my last post about gender bias in genomics/bioinformatics to my blog late on Sunday night. When I checked my twitter feed on Monday morning I was pleasantly surprised to see how much traffic the post had already generated. I was also amused by the serendipitous nature of seeing the following tweets appear closely together in my timeline:


So well done to the Crick Institute regarding the news that they will have a perfectly equal mix of male and female group leaders. This figure of 50% females would put them top of my list of research institutes in this field.

In contrast, finding out that the new Barcelona Institute of Science and Technology has an all male roster (11 Professors, 18 staff in total) is kind of depressing. This result would put them bottom of my list.