Three cheers for JABBA awards

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These days, I mostly think of this blog as a time capsule to my past life as a scientist. Every so often though, I’m tempted out of retirement for one more post. This time I’ve actually been asked to bring back my JABBA awards by Martin Hunt (@martibartfast)…and with good reason!

There is a new preprint in bioRxiv…

I’m almost lost for words about this one. You know that it is a tenuous attempt at an acronym or initialism when you don’t use any letters from the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, or 5th words of the full software name!

The approach here is very close to just choosing a random five-letter word. The authors could also have had:

CLAMP: hierarChical taxonomic cLassification for virAl Metagenomic data via deeP learning

HOTEL: hierarcHical taxOnomic classificaTion for viral mEtagenomic data via deep Learning

RAVEN: hieraRchical tAxonomic classification for Viral metagenomic data via dEep learNing

ALIEN: hierArchical taxonomic cLassification for vIral metagEnomic data via deep learniNg

LARVA: hierarchicaL taxonomic classificAtion for viRal metagenomic data Via deep leArning

Okay, as this might be my only blog post of 2020, I’ll say CHEERio!